Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Native american myth

Burr Women

A long time ago, a young man as well as many other Indians lived in a camp. The young man was the most attractive one any women and seen. Everyday women would propose and he would deny. One day the most elegant women of the tribe proposed. Even though she as the most beautiful of women, he denied the request. Immediately afterword the young woman ran home and cried to her grandmother. The grandmother said, “I will handle this man for you.”
The cam moved to a different village. Meanwhile the grandmother laid on the grown and waited for the young man to come along. Eventually the youth walked by the grandmother and she asked for him to carry her for she said that she was unable to walk. The man agreed and carried her to the next village. As son as they got there he lowered her down; however she would not let go. Re paraded around trying to get the old hag off of him and even began ramming her against trees. Even though she was old, her grip was tight.
When he realized that he could not get her off he began to weep. Two girls attempted to get her off but when the reached for the old hag she screamed, “I am his wife, leave us!” Therefore the two girls went to the youth’s father. He was furious and ordered the grandmother to be pulled off and killed. The two women were told that whoever pulled her off could marry the man. The two women were able to eventually pry the old women off and kill her. As a result the young man married the two girls.

“Burr-Women.” Indian Mythology. Indian Mythology. 2006. 6 November 2008

1 comment:

j turcotte said...


Nice looking blog. Very clean. Would you change link color? (Layout...Fonts and Colors).

Also remember to chunk paragraphs.