Friday, October 24, 2008

Myth definitions

A myth is a tale or belief of how the world use to be and how it got this way today. An example of a myth could be the story of the Osiris, Isis, and Horus.

A hero is another man or women who will perform deeds that will help the community that they are fighting for. An example of a hero is Achilles in the story of the Fall of Troy.

A hero journey is the path that a hero must follow to complete his or her quest, this includes companions, an ultimate battle, initiation and many other parts. An example of a hero’s journey is the tasks that Hercules must complete to be forgiven for the murder of his family.

Universal is the big picture that every thing is a part of, everything is related to universal, it’s what makes everyone that same but different at the same time. An example of universal is how Achilles is a mortal like every other human, and he can be killed.

The Archetype of a story is the build base for the story, the foundation of it. An example of archetype could be how the myth of the Ogdoad and how it started out with a watery abyss.

Cyclical is a pattern that every story has, the continuous cycle that everything follows. An example of cyclical is the story of Ra, when he becomes different forms and has to repeat the cycle everyday.

Duality is two opposites existing in one place at the same time. An example of duality is night and day, earth and water, water and fire, which is part of every myth.

Creation is the starting, beginning, or the origins from which all story’s or myth start. An example of creation is the watery abyss that starts out the story of Osiris, Isis, and Horus.

Life from death is the death of something to provide life for another. An example of life from death could be the story of the phoenix, how it burns and is reborn from it’s ashes every 500 years.

Archetype is the original model, the foundation, and building blocks of the hero or story that is related to everything. An example of archetype is a hero and the hero's journey the hero is on, like Pan Gu.

Matriarchal is the foundation of female power, mother rules. An example of matriarchal could be how most stories refer to mother earth.

Patriarchal is the foundation of male power, father rules. An example of patriarchal could be how some myths or stories refer to father sky.

Sacrifice is the loss of something for the gain of something, the loss of something for the better life of all others. An example of sacrifice could be Achilles attacking troy so that his people could have more power, the loss of his life for his people to live better lives.

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